There are good dads, there are bad dads, and then come the people who are nowhere near deserving of being called dads. This article will explore the worst anime dads ever portrayed on the screen. From absent fathers to abusive and manipulative ones, the behavior of these fathers left a lasting impact on their children and the overall story.
We will be shedding light on the importance of positive father figures in media as we delve into the world of these dysfunctional dads. So grab some tissues, and prepare to meet some of the most emotionally distant and abusive fathers in anime history.
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10/10 Charles Zi Britannia - Code Geass

Charles Zi Britannia from Code Geass can be considered a bad father for several reasons. He was the Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire and the father of Lelouch and Nunnally. Despite being their father, Charles showed little to no concern for his children's well-being and prioritized his own ambitions over their safety and happiness.
One of the most significant examples of Charles' poor parenting is his treatment of Lelouch and Nunnally. After the death of their mother, Marianne, Charles essentially abandoned his children, leaving them in the care of their uncle, Schneizel. He also erased Lelouch's memories of their mother's murder, which only added to Lelouch's feelings of confusion and abandonment.
9/10 Vinsmoke Judge - One Piece

As the patriarch of the Vinsmoke family, Judge was obsessed with creating genetically enhanced soldiers for his own gain, and he saw his children as nothing more than tools to achieve his goals. Judge's treatment of his children was horrific, as he subjected them to years of physical and emotional abuse in the name of training them to be soldiers.
He also showed favoritism towards his eldest son, Sanji's older brother, while constantly belittling and mistreating Sanji, causing him to develop a severe inferiority complex. Judge's neglectful and abusive behavior had lasting consequences on his children's lives, leading them to develop trust and abandonment issues that impacted their relationships and their own self-worth.
8/10 Ging Freecss - Hunter x Hunter

Ging Freecss is the father of the main protagonist, Gon Freecss, in the anime series Hunter x Hunter. While Ging is a highly skilled and respected hunter, he is portrayed as a negligent and absent father, leaving Gon to be raised by his aunt and grandmother.
Ging's lack of presence in Gon's life stems from his selfish desire to pursue his own goals as a hunter, which he prioritizes over his responsibilities as a father. He is also emotionally distant and shows little concern for Gon's well-being, leading to a strained relationship between the two. Overall, Ging's neglectful behavior towards Gon earns him a place among the worst anime dads.
7/10 Endeavor/Enji Todoroki - My Hero Academia

He was abusive, neglectful, and solely focused on grooming his son, Shoto, to surpass him and become the Number One Hero. Endeavor's abusive behavior towards his family, especially towards Shoto, left deep emotional scars on his son.
He physically and emotionally abused Shoto and forced him to endure harsh training regimes to mold him into the perfect weapon. This not only caused Shoto immense pain and trauma but also strained their family relationships.
6/10 Grisha Jeagar - Attack On Titan

Grisha's actions towards Eren can be seen as questionable, as he injects him with a serum that turns him into a Titan without fully explaining the consequences of his actions. Grisha's actions ultimately lead to Eren's traumatic experiences and the deaths of many of his loved ones.
While Grisha's actions may have been for the greater good, his lack of communication and abandonment of his family makes him a bad father in the eyes of many viewers. Grisha's obsession with uncovering the secrets of the Titans led him to do all of this.
5/10 Kazekage Rasa - Naruto

Rasa viewed his children as tools for his own gain, particularly Gaara, whom he saw as a weapon to protect his village. He ordered Gaara's mother to be sacrificed during his birth and then tasked Gaara with the role of a weapon, neglecting him emotionally and causing him to develop a split personality and dangerous tendencies.
Rasa's neglect extended to his other children as well, as he spent more time focused on his own political agenda and less on being a present and caring father. He also showed little regard for their safety, sending them on dangerous missions without hesitation. Overall, Rasa's lack of empathy and neglectful behavior toward his children makes him a prime example of a bad father in the Naruto series.
4/10 Gendo Iraki - Neon Genesis Evangelion

Gendo was manipulative and controlling, using Shinji as a tool to further his own agenda. He forced Shinji to pilot the Evangelion, a giant mecha used to fight off alien beings, knowing the psychological toll it would take on him.
Gendo's actions ultimately led to a traumatic experience for Shinji and left him with deep emotional scars. In summary, Gendo's neglect and manipulation make him a terrible father figure, and his impact on Shinji's life is a testament to the importance of positive parental figures in shaping one's well-being.
3/10 Gambino - Berserk

Gambino only took in Guts to use him as a child soldier in his mercenary band, showing no affection or care towards him. He also blamed Guts for the death of his lover, Shisu, and harbored resentment towards Guts.
Furthermore, Gambino frequently beat and injured Guts, both physically and emotionally, and allowed his men to do the same. This abuse led to Guts leaving the mercenary band and eventually seeking revenge against Gambino.
2/10 Kagemitsu Daigo - Dororo

First, he made a deal with demons to gain power and prosperity, sacrificing his newborn son's body parts in exchange. This left his son, Hyakkimaru, physically and emotionally scarred, with the burden of fighting demons to reclaim his body parts.
Second, Kagemitsu neglected his other child, Nuinokata, as he was consumed with his obsession for power and wealth. He even went as far as using her as a pawn to manipulate Hyakkimaru into doing his bidding. Overall, Kagemitsu's selfish actions had devastating consequences for his children, making him a truly terrible father.
1/10 Shou Tucker - Fullmetal Alchemist

Shou Tucker is widely regarded as one of the worst anime fathers of all time due to his despicable actions toward his daughter, Nina. He was an alchemist who used his own daughter as a test subject in his twisted experiments, resulting in her being turned into a Chimera.
His actions showed a complete lack of empathy and love toward his own child, and his desire for success and recognition as an alchemist was more important to him than his daughter's well-being. Shou Tucker's actions were unforgivable, and the pain and suffering he caused his daughter will forever make him one of the most hated characters in anime history.
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