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One Punch Man: 10 Strongest Characters

Writer: Pavas GagnejaPavas Gagneja

Updated: Jun 19, 2023

One Punch Man strongest characters

One Punch Man is filled with a vast array of powerful characters, each with their own unique abilities and strengths. From powerful villains to heroic allies, the world of One Punch Man is home to some of the strongest and most memorable characters in anime.

In this article, we will take a look at the top 10 strongest characters from One Punch Man, examining their powers, abilities, and impact on the series as a whole. From the overpowered cyborg Genos to the psychic esper Tatsumaki, these characters have captivated audiences with their incredible feats of strength and unique personalities.

10/10 Silver Fang

Bang One Punch Man

Bang, also known as Silver Fang, is a prominent character in the One Punch Man series. Despite being over 80 years old, Bang's martial arts skills are still unparalleled and make him a formidable opponent to anyone who crosses his path.

Bang's abilities extend beyond just his impressive martial arts skills, as he is also shown to have incredible speed and strength. As the founder of the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist martial arts style, Bang has trained numerous students, including his own brother Bomb and Garou, the Hero Hunter.

9/10 Genos

Genos is one of the strongest anime characters

Genos is a cyborg who serves as Saitama's disciple and is ranked as an S-Class Hero in the Hero Association. Genos's incredible strength and intellect earned him the S-Class ranking on his very first attempt.

These abilities make him one of the most powerful and respected Heroes in the One Punch Man universe. With his arsenal of advanced weaponry and combat skills, Genos is a formidable opponent to any villain he faces.

8/10 Boros

Genos is one of the strongest anime characters

Boros is the leader of the Dark Matter Thieves and the main antagonist of the first season of the series. As an alien with immense physical strength, regeneration, and energy manipulation abilities, Boros is one of the most powerful villains in the series.

His battle with Saitama remains one of the most epic and intense one in the entire One Punch Man franchise. Even though he was no match for Saitama, initially, he looked like a great threat to the other Heroes.

7/10 Elder Centipede

Elder Centipede OPM

Elder Centipede's immense strength and durability are such that he could destroy entire cities without even unfolding his full power, and it took the combined efforts of numerous S-Class heroes to even put a dent in his armor.

In addition to his size and strength, Elder Centipede has the ability to regenerate lost limbs and heal from injuries quickly. His powerful acid breath can melt through solid objects, and he can launch himself at high speeds to crush his enemies.

6/10 Tatsumaki

Esper Tatsumaki

Tatsumaki, also known as the Tornado of Terror, is a powerful esper with psychic abilities that allow her to manipulate objects and create powerful energy blasts. She is one of the highest-ranking members of the Hero Association.

Tatsumaki is a force to be reckoned with, and her incredible power and attitude make her one of the most popular characters. Her larger-than-life attitude is not just overconfidence, she has proven her might numerous times.

5/10 Orochi

Lord Orochi

Orochi/Psykos is a unique character in the One Punch Man universe, being a fusion between the monster Orochi and the human psychic Psykos. As a result of this fusion, Orochi/Psykos possesses immense strength, regenerative abilities, and powerful psychic powers.

His ability to manipulate energy and create powerful energy blasts makes him a formidable opponent, and he is able to go toe-to-toe with some of the strongest heroes in the series. In addition to his physical and psychic abilities, Orochi/Psykos is also a skilled strategist, able to plan and coordinate attacks against his enemies.

4/10 Blast

Strongest One Punch Man characters

Blast is a mysterious and elusive character in the One Punch Man universe, known as the strongest hero in the Hero Association. His abilities are shrouded in mystery, but it is known that he possesses the ability to access cosmic radiations, granting him immense strength and the ability to manipulate energy.

All his abilities combined make Blast one of the most powerful characters in the entire series, and his strength and abilities are unmatched by most heroes or villains. Despite his incredible power, Blast has only been seen sparingly throughout the series, with his whereabouts and motivations unknown.

3/10 Cosmic Garou

Cosmic Garou

Cosmic Garou is a powered-up version of Garou, the villain turned anti-hero. After being defeated by Saitama, Garou is reborn with incredible strength, durability, and regeneration abilities. His newfound power is so immense that it takes the combined efforts of numerous S-Class heroes to even stand a chance against him.

What makes Cosmic Garou truly formidable, however, is his immense willpower and determination to defeat heroes. He is willing to push himself to his limits and beyond, enduring incredible amounts of pain and damage in order to achieve his goals.

2/10 God

One Punch Man strongest characters

God is one of the most enigmatic and mysterious characters in the One Punch Man universe. God possesses incredible power and the ability to manipulate the strength of other beings, making him virtually unstoppable.

It has the ability to grant unaccountable power to anyone it wants and also to retract the power. This mysterious creature has unmeasurable power and could kill most OPM characters instantly.

1/10 Saitama

Saitama was the strongest character from One Punch Man

Saitama possesses unbelievable power, capable of defeating even the strongest monsters and villains with a single punch. This guy, with the alias the "caped-baldy," definitely deserves more recognition in his universe.

Despite his immense strength, Saitama is often portrayed as a laid-back and unassuming character, with his true abilities hidden behind his sweet personality. His unparalleled strength and unassuming nature make him one of the most interesting and beloved characters in the One Punch Man universe.


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