The popular anime and manga Death Note has always been surrounded by controversy due to its dark themes. However, in a surprising turn of events, schools in different parts of the world actually banned Death Note-styled notebooks. The reason? They believed these notebooks could negatively influence students. This incident left fans and parents debating whether the ban was necessary or an overreaction.
The Death Note anime follows a high school student, Light Yagami, who discovers a mysterious notebook that allows him to kill anyone by writing their name in it. Inspired by the anime, some students began bringing similar notebooks to school, which led to serious concerns among teachers and authorities.
The Incident That Led To Death Note Styled Notebooks Getting Banned

The controversy surrounding Death Note notebooks started when students in different countries, including China and the United States, were found creating their own versions of the infamous Death Note. Some students wrote the names of their classmates and teachers in these notebooks, sometimes even adding fictional causes of death. This behavior alarmed school officials and parents, who feared it could lead to real-life violence or psychological harm.
One of the most well-known cases occurred in the US, where several students were caught with Death Note-themed notebooks containing the names of their peers. Authorities took the matter seriously, treating it as a potential threat. Some students faced disciplinary actions, while in other cases, entire schools decided to ban these notebooks completely.
Reactions From Schools And Parents

Many schools argued that banning Death Note-styled notebooks was necessary to maintain a safe environment. They believed such items promoted harmful thoughts and could lead to bullying or even worse situations. Some parents supported the decision, fearing that exposure to Death Note might encourage negative behavior among young students.
However, anime and manga fans saw the ban as an overreaction. They argued that Death Note was just fiction and that banning notebooks would not prevent students from being influenced by darker themes in media. Some believed the bans showed a lack of understanding of anime culture and unfairly targeted fans of the series.
Despite the controversy, the bans were enforced in multiple schools, and discussions about the impact of anime on students continued. The Death Note-styled notebooks getting banned remains one of the most unusual examples of how an anime series can influence real-world policies in schools.