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Blue Lock: Who Is Noel Noa?

Noel Noa Blue Lock

We have all heard stories in Blue Lock, about what strikers are supposed to be like. Some say they should be egoistic while some say teamwork is a key to becoming the best in the world. However, who could explain the formula for becoming the best than the guy who is the best.

According to Blue Lock, Noel Noa is the best striker in the world. He was introduced in the first season as the idol of the main character, Yoichi Isagi. But will Isagi's awakened ego still let him idolize Noa. Let's see what we know about the best striker in the world.

Noel Noa: His Personality And A Look Into His Past

Noel Noa Blue Lock

The greatest striker of the world who plays for France and Germany's Bastard Munchen boasts a handsome and muscular appearance, with pale-complexion and white hair. His muscular build helps him dominate the field by taking up space and holding the ball. The audience already drools over his looks.

As for his personality, he stays quite serious while maintaining his manners and thinks expression is just a facade. He described himself as a 'football junkie' once which shows his passion for the game. As someone who grew up in the slums of France, he takes soccer very seriously as it was his only way out of the horrible life and helped him make a name for himself.

His teammates, however, find him annoying as he disregards their expressive and reckless personas and their claims of being the best. His calm and serious nature does not affect his ability to coach other players as he is dedicated yet strict which further emphasizes on how much he loves soccer.

It is safe to say that he has shown a manipulative side and does everything for selfish reasons. A quote from the series may tell us better about his personality; "Instead of assisting my teammates to win 1-0, it feels better to pull off a hat trick and lose 3-4."

At his core, he never intended to become the best in the world. He just wanted to live his life on his own terms without any shame. He does not live for anything rather than his love for the game.

A Look Into The Professional Life Of Blue Lock's Best Player

Blue Lock who is Noel Noa

Noa plays as a forward, showing exceptional skills by creating link-ups, generating chances, and playing freely due to versatility, adapting as needed.His supreme build helps him hold the ball, keep possesion and easily overpower players with weaker stratures.

Alongside being physically dominating, another one of his skills is machine dribbling, going through tight spaces while holding the ball as if a machine is precisely guiding his movements. He also does not have a dominant foot as he possesses ambidexterity, which allows him to dribble, feint, pass, and shoot with either foot with excellent precision. His omni-powerful shot is the cherry on top as he can switch feet easily while maintaining its power and direction.

Ultimately, his entry to the anime will definitely excite the viewers as it creates new challenges for their favourite players. Moreover, such an amazing player will definelty be worth watching.


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