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Blue Lock: What Is The Neo-Egoist League?

Updated: Feb 10

Blue Lock season 2 left fans in awe with the extraordinary Blue Lock vs. Under-20 Japan match. Everything about the match was somewhat amazing and specially the rivalry between the Itoshi brothers was a major spectacular moment in the match.

Even though the second season delivered more than the expectations, the hints for the next arc that the show left were more exciting. The post-credit scene of the last episode shows Ego Jinpachi getting the approval of all other coaches for the beginning of the Neo-Egoist League. Let's see what Ego has in store for us.

Summarizing The Blue Lock vs. U-20 Match

The first half of the Blue Lock vs. U-20 match started with the fans inclined towards the U-20 team as the prodigy midfielder, Sae Itoshi was playing for them. However, Seishiro Nagi shifts the spectrum by scoring a spectacular goal.

It was not long before Sae Itoshi workshis magic and scores an equaliser. Both teams were desparate as the losing team would have to give up their careers. The pressure led to the first half ending with Rin Itoshi scoring another goal and Blue Lock leading with 1 goal.

In the half time, the U-20 team is shocked to know that Sae is leaving as he believed that the team was not cut out to win. However, his plan changes with the "Devil" stepping in, Shidou Ryusei. Blue Lock strengthens its guard as the "Devil" makes his mark with 2 goals within the first 25 minutes of the second half.

Ego trusts Reo Mikage to stop Shidou and he succeeds. However, as the game goes on Isagi gets desperate and gets Ego to play hand to which even he could not predict the results too. Barou Shouei makes an entrance and proves himself by scoring the third goal, using his natural insticts.

The match gets really exciting as Rin was about to accept defeat against his brother, but Isagi helps him get back into the game. Rin is disgusted by the feeling of Isagi not letting him lose and finds his "flow." The players and the audience is shocked by Rin's awakening as he devours the defense wall of the U-20. And the final match up begins, Rin Itoshi vs Sae itoshi.

As the game gets into additional time, Rin emerges victorious in the one-on-one and the loose ball kicked into the air, lands into Isagi's range, where he scores the winning goal. Against all odds, Sae Itoshi loses to his brothers team. However, players like Oliver Aiku and Shidou Ryusei showed remarkable performances.

The Neo-Egoist League

With the Blue Lock project showing results, we see Ego Jinpachi in a conference, with all coaches of the world. He asks everyone to vote and gets the approval of all coaches and as everyone approves, he says,to quote, "Blue Lock Project, Phase Two: Neo Egoist League, will begin."

The Neo-Egoist League is the final selection of the Blue Lock Project which will make up the team for the U-20 World Cup. Also, there will be new players added in this league. Players who are already, making a name for themselves at the international level. Players like Michael Kaiser, Don Lorenzo, Marc Snuffy, etc. There is a lot of excitement to come for the viewers as these players show of their skills that back their ego.

It will be safe to say that Blue Lock will have us on the edges of our seats with the new seasons coming, the development of characters and gripping storyline. Let's hope to see the best players to come out on top.


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